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熱門的英語原版閱讀文章 -一般將來時be going to好用?如何選購




今天分享一篇閱讀理解。該文章可以在學完一般將來時後配套閱讀,也可以做為日常的閱讀練習材料。 每日10分鐘英語閱讀,養成習慣,孩子的英語學習不用愁。 這篇閱讀文章是練習be going to的用法。文中有一些空格,需要用be going to的形式來完成。 ...圖片來源於網絡 1.Next week Lucy and her family ____________ (go)on a trip around Italy. 主語為複數,是Lucy and her family,所以be用are。空格處填are going to go。 Next week Lucy and her family are going to go (go)on a trip around Italy. 完整的句子是: Next week Lucy and her family are going to go on a trip around Italy. 下周露西和她的家人要去義大利旅行。 ...Italy 圖片來源於網絡 2.She is so excited. 她很興奮。 3.It ____________ (be)an amazing and fun road trip. 主語為第3人稱單數It,所以be用is。空格處填is going to be。 It is going to be (be)an amazing and fun road trip. 完整的句子是: It is going to be an amazing and fun road trip. 這將是一次奇妙而有趣的自駕游。 4.They ____________ (eat)a lot of delicious pizzas and tasty gelato, and her parents ____________ (drink) many cups of cappuccinos. 第一個空格前的主語為複數they,所以be用are。空格處填are going to eat。 第二個空格前的主語為複數her parents,所以be用are。空格處填are going to drink。 They are going to eat (eat)a lot of delicious pizzas and tasty gelato, and her parents are going to drink (drink) many cups of cappuccinos. 完整的句子是: They are going to eat a lot of delicious pizzas and tasty gelato, and her parents are going to drink many cups of cappuccinos. 他們會吃很多美味的披薩和美味的冰淇淋,她的父母會喝很多杯卡布奇諾。 ...pizza 圖片來源於網絡 ...gelato 圖片來源於網絡 ...cappuccino 圖片來源於網絡 5.First, they ____________ (fly) to Venice. 主語為複數they,所以be用are。空格處填are going to fly。 First, they are going to fly(fly) to Venice. 完整的句子是: First, they are going to fly to Venice. 首先,他們將飛往威尼斯。 ...Venice 圖片來源於網絡...Venice 圖片來源於網絡 6.There, they ____________ (ride)in a gondola on the canals of Venice. 主語為複數they,所以be用are。空格處填are going to ride。 There, they are going to ride (ride)in a gondola on the canals of Venice. 完整的句子是: There, they are going to ride in a gondola on the canals of Venice. 在那裡,他們將乘坐威尼斯運河上的平底船。 ...gondola 圖片來源於網絡 7.Lucy ____________ (take)a lot of photos and she ____________ (buy) a Venetian Carnival Mask. 第一個空格前的主語為第3人稱單數Lucy,所以be用is。空格處填is going to take。 第二個空格前的主語為第3人稱單數she,所以be用is。空格處填is going to buy。 Lucy is going to take (take)a lot of photos and she is going to buy (buy) a Venetian Carnival Mask. 完整的句子是: Lucy is going to take a lot of photos and she is going to buy a Venetian Carnival Mask. 露西打算拍很多照片,她打算買一個威尼斯狂歡節面具。 ...Venetian Carnival Mask 圖片來源於網絡 8.After Venice, the next stop ____________ (be)Pisa. 主語為第3人稱單數the next stop,所以be用is。空格處填is going to be。 After Venice, the next stop is going to be (be)Pisa. 完整的句子是: After Venice, the next stop is going to be Pisa. 威尼斯之後,下一站是比薩。 ...Pisa 圖片來源於網絡 9.They ____________ (rent) a caravan. 主語為複數they,所以be用are。空格處填are going to rent。 They are going to rent (rent) a caravan. 完整的句子是: They are going to rent a caravan. 他們打算租一輛大篷車。 ...caravan 圖片來源於網絡 10.Her father ____________ (drive) the caravan. 主語為第3人稱單數her father,所以be用is。空格處填is going to drive。 Her father is going to drive (drive) the caravan. 完整的句子是: Her father is going to drive the caravan. 她父親要開大篷車。 11.They ____________ (visit) The Leaning Tower of Pisa. 主語為複數they,所以be用are。空格處填are going to visit。 They are going to visit (visit) The Leaning Tower of Pisa. 完整的句子是: They are going to visit The Leaning Tower of Pisa. 他們要去參觀比薩斜塔。 ...The Leaning Tower of Pisa 圖片來源於網絡 12.Lucy has always wanted to see this curious monument up close. 露西一直想近距離看看這座奇特的紀念碑。 13.They ____________ (find out)why the tower is leaning! 主語為複數they,所以be用are。空格處填are going to find out。 They are going to find out (find out)why the tower is leaning! 完整的句子是: They are going to find out why the tower is leaning! 他們要找出塔為什麼傾斜的原因! 14.The last city they ____________(visit) is Rome. 主語為複數they,所以be用are。空格處填are going to visit。 The last city they are going to find visit (visit) is Rome. 完整的句子是: The last city they are going to find visit is Rome. 他們最後要去參觀的城市是羅馬。 ...Rome 圖片來源於網絡 15.They ____________ (travel) to Rome by train. 主語為複數they,所以be用are。空格處填are going to travel。 They are going to travel (travel) to Rome by train. 完整的句子是: They are going to travel to Rome by train. 他們打算乘火車去羅馬。 ...train 圖片來源於網絡 16.They ____________ (see) the Coliseum and learn about ancient history. 主語為複數they,所以be用are。空格處填are going to see。 They are going to see (see) the Coliseum and learn about ancient history. 完整的句子是: They are going to see the Coliseum and learn about ancient history. 他們要去看競技場,學習古代歷史。 ...Coliseum 圖片來源於網絡 18.After that, they ____________ (take)a plane back home. 主語為複數they,所以be用are。空格處填are going to take。 After that, they are going to take (take)a plane back home. 完整的句子是: After that, they are going to take a plane back home. 在那之後,他們將乘飛機回家。 ...plane 圖片來源於網絡 19.It ____________ (be)the best family trip ever. 主語為第3人稱單數It,所以be用is。空格處填is going to be。 It is going to be (be)the best family trip ever. 完整的句子是: It is going to be the best family trip ever. 這將是有史以來最好的一次家庭旅行。 完整的文章是: ...圖片來源於網絡 Next week Lucy and her family are going to go on a trip around Italy. She is so excited. It is going to be an amazing and fun road trip. They are going to eat a lot of delicious pizzas and tasty gelato, and her parents are going to drink many cups of cappuccinos. First, they are going to fly to Venice. There, they are going to ride in a gondola on the canals of Venice. Lucy is going to take a lot of photos and she is going to buy a Venetian Carnival Mask. After Venice, the next stop is going to be Pisa. They are going to rent a caravan. Her father is going to drive the caravan. They are going to visit The Leaning Tower of Pisa. Lucy has always wanted to see this curious monument up close. They are going to find out why the tower is leaning! The last city they are going to find visit is Rome. They are going to travel to Rome by train. They are going to see the Coliseum and learn about ancient history. After that, they are going to take a plane back home. It is going to be the best family trip ever. 如果大家想獲得更多的英語學習資源,請關注我,每天都會有更新。如果有英語方面的疑問,可私信我諮詢。








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